There are no restrictions right now. For entry to the Czech Republic, you need only valid passport (or visa, in some cases - please check the info available here).


J. Drahoš (Congress Chairperson, President of the Czech Society of Chemical Engineering – CSChE)

P. Klusoň (Congress Vice-Chairperson)

P. Stehlík (Vice-President of the Czech Society of Chemical Engineering - CSChE)

I. Wichterle (Chairperson of Scientific Committee)

Z. Boháčová (Chairperson of Organising Committee)

K. Sora (Scientific Programme Adviser)

B. Böck (Editor in Chief of CET)

L. Obalová (CET Special Issue Guest Editor)


G. Veronesi (President of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering – EFCE)

Ch. Grant (President of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers – AIChE)

P. Cingr (President of the Association of Chemical Industry of the Czech Republic)



The prominent roles of the Congress Scientific Committee cover the formation of the conference programme, nomination and selection of the keynote speakers, seeking and ensuring the high scientific quality of the accepted contributions, and distributing them according the sections scopes and forms of presentation.

J. Aubincano (FR), H. J. Bart (DE), B. Böck (DE), D. Bogle (UK), T. Brányik (CZ), Z. Bubník (CZ), P. Čapek (CZ), J.G. Crespo (PT), L. Čurda (CZ), F. Debaste (BE), E. Drioli (IT), H. Feise (DE), J. Hanika (CZ), P. Holzhauser (CZ), P. Izák (CZ), M. Jahoda (CZ), J. Kosek (CZ), J. Levec (SI), G. Montante (IT), A. Muramatsu (JP), V.D. Nichita (FR), T. Noel (NL), L. Obalová (CZ), H.J. Pasman (NL), N.I. Pecherkin (RU), M. Poletto (IT), A. Ramírez Gómez (ES), F. Rejl (CZ), E. Šárka (CZ), O. Šolcová (CZ), K. Sora (DE), K. Soukup (CZ), H. Sovová (CZ), A. Stankiewicz (NL), P. Stanovský (CZ), P. Stavárek (CZ), T. Svěrák (CZ), M. Šyc (CZ), J. Tříska (CZ), T. Van Gerven (BE), P. Zámostný (CZ), M. Zedníková (CZ)


If you only wish to be informed on Congress news or if you later wish to submit a paper please fill in the Congress Application Form.

You will receive a personal password, which will give you an access to your personal user pages.


Contributions will be presented as keynote lectures, lectures, or posters. As lectures, preferably papers with a wider scope or importance should be submitted. Authors should indicate the preferred form of presentation but the Scientific Committee reserves the right to make the final decision. The Congress language is English.

Poster presentation

The majority of papers will be presented as posters and thus they are a very important part of the Congress program.

  1. Try to arrange your poster in such a way to provide a clear comprehensible image of your work at first sight even for those participants who are not conversant in your special field of interest. Give preference to diagrams, pictures and charts. The text should be very concise and accentuate the particular aim of your work, its importance, application, and the key formulas and symbols. Leave details to the discussion with interested people.
  2. The size of the poster board is 130 cm (height) by 96 cm (width) portrait. The presenters will mark their posters with a heading, containing the title (size of letters 4 cm, at least), and the name(s) of author(s), affiliation, city and country (size of letters 2 cm). Letters under 1 cm are not suitable. Posting only a printout of the full text does not do credit to the sense and purpose of poster session.

The presenters will arrange their posters at designated panels before the beginning of the poster session and remove them immediately after the closure of the session.

We offer an extra service - printing your poster to A0 format. Your poster will be hanged during the CHISA2022 at the respective poster session.

The price for the service is 35 EUR.
If you wish to use this service, please send us a PDF file with your poster and serial number of the paper to , after that you will receive the invoice. The size of the poster should be A0 (841 x 1189 mm), portrait.

The deadline for sending the PDF file with your poster for printing is 15 August 2022.


Lecture presentation

Since the oral sessions are based on rigid time schedules, a regular lecture including discussion can last no longer than 20 minutes. Forty minutes are usually reserved for keynote lecture.

Data projectors. Lecture rooms will be equipped with data projector/PC with PowerPoint software. We are not adapted for Macintosh software. A connection to Internet will be available in the lecture rooms.

The lectures should be presented in English. Kindly use short sentences, a slower pace of delivery and clear and distinct pronunciation. This concerns specifically those presenters who speak in their mother tongue (i.e. English).

Lectures should be uploaded in the lecture room 15 minutes before your session starts.


Application for presentation of a paper must be submitted only with use of the Congress Application Form.

Every application must be accompanied by max. 2 pages long summary in English (observe kindly instructions for its preparation below) uploaded with the interactive application form. Application form without summary will not be considered. The summary should be comprehensive and suitable for reviewing by members of the Scientific Committee. The deadline for the submission of application for oral presentation is 31 January 2022 (extended deadline - 28 February). Later applications for oral presentation will be considered exceptionally. Posters may be accepted up to the beginning of the Congress, however only contributions received before 31 May 2022 will be included in the final programme.

Upon the submission the CHISA authors will be asked to express their intention to submit a contribution as an article to the Congress special issue of CET.

Important note: One oral and two poster presentations are only allowed for one registered (and paid) participant due to time and space limitations.

Every author will receive an e-mail message confirming the receipt of the application. Notification about the final acceptance of CHISA contributions will be sent in March 2022.


All submitted contributions are displayed on the CHISA website, and those which have passed a formal check are marked in dark colour. List of Submitted Papers  is being regularly updated. Based on the personal login password, the corresponding author can inspect a complete submission and/or modify the summary. Please do not resubmit the summary if it is unchanged.

At least one of the authors must register as a participant and settle her/his registration fee before 30 April 2022 otherwise the paper will not be included in the programme. Author may update the original summary at any time via her/his user page before 31 May 2022. It is assumed that the original title of the contribution will not be considerably modified.


The summary must be prepared with any version of the MS-Word editor (as *.docx or *.doc) on maximum two pages of A4 size (297x210 mm) with all margins equal to 25 mm. The single spaced text should be typed in Times New Roman font.

Please, start at the top of page with the title of your contribution (non-capitalised, left aligned, bold, size 14 pts.); for a title, maximum of 150 characters including spaces is allowed. Skip two lines below title and type the author’s name(s) in the following order: initial(s), surname (font size 12 pt., left aligned). Underline the name of the author delivering the paper. On the next line, enter the affiliations of authors with full postal address; telephone, fax, and e-mail connections are desirable (12 pt., left aligned).

Then, skip two lines and begin your summary text: single spaced, justified, non-bold, 12 pts., Times New Roman. You can locate any text, equations, figures, references, etc. within the area available.

An example of summary is available in MS-Word template(.docx file)

Please follow all the instructions very carefully to achieve the formal appearance of a summary as closely as possible to this template. Regrettably, most of preliminary summaries usually do not comply with these instructions. Therefore, they must be formally re-edited by the Scientific Committee, which does not bear responsibility for possible changes ensuing from such reformatting. Every author is responsible for the quality and content of her/his summary. The summary not meeting the above requirements will not be accepted and the author will be notified.


A registration of the presenting author for the CHISA 2022 is mandatory for each accepted contribution. The deadline for registration of presenting author is 30 April 2022. If the presenting author has not registered, the presentation will be withdrawn from the programme.


Authors not intending to submit a paper to the congress special issue journal, or the authors whose contribution is not accepted for publication, are free to publish their papers at will after the Congress.

Traditionally, CHISA 2022 offers to all participants publishing their contributions as full papers in a Congress special issue of Chemical Engineering and Technology Impact factor: 2.418, ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: 2018:58/138 (Engineering, Chemical), Online ISSN: 1521-4125 © WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

It is expected that presenters of about 100 CHISA lectures and posters will be approached after the congress closure (before 20 September 2022) with the pre-nomination appeal. The gate for submissions of manuscripts will be open since 21 September 2022 for the next five weeks. About 35 outstanding papers will be then selected from pre-nominations based on the standard peer review process. Editor of this special issue will be B. Böck (Editor-in-chief, DE) together with L. Obalová (Guest Editor, CZ).


  • The deadline for submission of oral presentation is extended to 28 February 2022.
  • The deadline for  submission of poster presentation is 31 May 2022.
  • The deadline for standard registration is 30 April 2022.
  • Content of the abstract can be modified until 31 May 2022.


During CHISA 2022 we awarded together with WILEY and DE GRUYTER six best students posters:


Crespo Iratxe - Univ. Pais Vasco, Bilbao

Fortunato Michele Emanuele - Univ. Napoli Federico II

Hernandez Mery - Karlsruhe Inst. Technol.

Nobre da Silva Luís Miguel - Inst. Superior Técnico, Lisboa

Saczek Joshua - Newcastle Univ.

Siracusa Chiara - Austrian Cent. Ind. Biotechnol., Tulln an der Donau


Congratulations !


Standard registration before April 30 - 590 EUR / after April 30 - 660 EUR 
Students (incl. PhD students) before April 30 - 390 EUR / after April 30 - 450 EUR
Accompanying family members 120 EUR 
Exhibition booth at MARCHES
(one registration fee included)
1500 EUR

(The fee includes 21 % VAT.)

Congress materials, Opening ceremony, Congress concerts, light lunches and student beer party are included in the registration fee. Authors pay the same registration fee as participants without contribution.

Fee for accompanying persons includes: Congress opening, Congress concert, light lunches. Accompanying person has no privilege to take part in the Scientific programme.

Congress dinner: 60 EUR (incl. drinks)

At least one of the authors must register for participation before 30 April 2022 to obtain an invoice for payment of registration fee and/or of ordered services. This invoice must be paid in due time (by 15 May 2022), otherwise the paper(s) will not be included in the programme. Be aware that the application for a paper presentation does not represent automatically the registration of a participant. Registration form is available here.


The registration fee will be refunded (with a deduction of 10 % to cover the handling costs) if participation in the Congress is cancelled in writing before 12 July 2022. No refund will be granted after this date.


We can recommend following hotels/hostels. In general, any hotel in Prague 1 (close to the stations Hradčanská, Staroměstská, Můstek or Náměstí Republiky)  or Prague 6 (station Dejvická) would be a good choice.

Hotel Diplomat ****


Hotel International ****


Hotel Krystal *** 


Hostel and hotel Masarykova kolej




MARCHES 2022 – the MARket of CHemical Engineering and Services will also take place during the CHISA 2022. If you are interested, please send us an email to


Organising Committee

Postal address: Czech Society of Chemical Engineering, CHISA Congress, Novotného lávka 5, 116 68 Prague 1, Czech Republic
